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Showing 181–214 of 214 results


  • Research Skills

    In this course, you will learn basic research skills, such as reading, memory recall, and note-taking. You will also learn how to create different kinds of outlines for different stages of your project, and how to move from the outline to writing, editing, and polishing. As well, you'll learn how to find information using the library's Dewey Decimal System, journals, and the Internet.
  • Customer Service Essentials

    This online Customer Service Essentials Course is designed for anyone who works with members of the public face-to-face, over the phone, via email, social media or live chat. Excellent customer service will help individuals, teams and organizations build positive working relationships with both external and internal customers. This course features several topics covering CRM Management, Call Center Training, Customer Service Management, and behavioral resources; helping to enable high standards of customer service at all times and ensure customers have the best experience, facilitating repeat business and positive recommendations. Course Benefits Learn at your own pace Earn Certificate of Completion 60 Day Access Period
  • Being a Team Player

    Teamwork is essential in any organization, and strongly influences whether a venture succeeds or fails. Participants will learn what characteristics are common to team players, how to demonstrate to others that you are a good team player, types of teams and which ones are vital to every workplace, reasons teams fail, and strategies to ensure success. Other courses that may be of interest are Creating a Positive Work Environment, Making Your Business Better, Problem Solving and Decision Making, Team Building- Developing High Performance Teams, and Communication Strategies.
  • Business Ethics for the Office

    In this course, you will learn what the terms ethics, morals, and values mean. Then, you will learn about several different ethical frameworks, including Kohlberg's six stages, philosophical approaches, personal values, and codes of ethics. You will also learn how to avoid ethical dilemmas, make ethical decisions, handle common ethical dilemmas, and recover from mistakes.   *90 day access period
  • English as a Second Language: A Workplace Communications Primer

    This is an opportunity to review and enhance your proficiency in listening, speaking, reading and writing. You will find that being aware of cultural and workplace influences will help keep them from creating barriers to communication. Practical information on selecting the right words, and combining them effectively to get your message across, will improve your verbal and written communication. Specific advice on email, videoconferencing, proposals, and selling your ideas will further improve your communication skills.
  • Fostering Innovation

    At the end of this course, you will be able to understand what fostering innovation means, learn what an innovative workplace looks like, determine how you can help create an innovative workplace environment, understand your role in helping to foster innovation, know what happens in the workplace when you help foster innovation, and describe ways that innovation can help your company.
  • Problem Solving and Decision Making

    In this course, you will learn a three-phase problem solving process that you can apply to any situation. You will also learn techniques for creative thinking, how to make good group decisions, and ways to follow up on and evaluate decisions. Learning Objectives: Apply problem solving steps and tools Analyze information to clearly describe problems Identify appropriate solutions Think creatively and be a contributing member of a problem solving team Select the best approach for making decisions Create a plan for implementing, evaluating, and following up on decisions Avoid common decision-making mistakes *90 day access period
  • An Environmental Audit Primer

    This course will give you the tools to conduct an internal environmental audit at your workplace. You will learn of the different types of audits and about auditors and the basic steps of an audit. This course will also teach you the essential aspects of an audit checklist and how to develop a checklist based on Environmental Management System procedures. You will also explore noncompliances, corrective actions and an audit closing meeting.
  • Creating a Positive Work Environment

    Here you will learn how to recognize a positive work environment and understand the key elements that are needed to create one. You will also discover what you can do personally to build on in your workplace and figure out what type of team player you are. Along the way you will be shown the importance of effective workplace relationships in creating and maintaining a positive environment at work. You will also reveal your personal strengths and weaknesses in working cooperatively and your preference for dealing with workplace conflict.
  • Active Listening

    In this course, you will learn what active listening is and what qualities active listeners have. You'll also learn how to manage your body language, create a positive listening attitude, encourage conversation, build relationships, and get over listening roadblocks.
  • Managing Customer Service

    The need to lead, model, and promote the organizational values within a customer service environment is essential for business success. This course will provide you with opportunities to explore your responsibilities within your role as a leader (supervisor or manager) in a customer service environment. Learning Objectives: Identify ways to establish links between excellence in customer service and your. business practices and policies. Develop the skills and practices that are essential elements of a customer service focused manager. Recognize what employees are looking for to be truly engaged. Recognize who the customers are and what they are looking for. Develop strategies for creating engaged employees and satisfied customers in whatever business units you manage.   *90 day access period
  • Becoming a Better Learner

    After you complete this course, you will be able to understand what it means to learn and become a life-long learner, know what a mindset for learning looks like and how to adopt one, set realistic goals, understand what your network is and why expanding it is important, know how to ask questions and why that is important, become accountable for your goals and take responsibility, and know how to accelerate your learning.
  • Introduction to Neuro Linguistic Programming

    This introductory course will teach the basics of neuro linguistic programming (NLP). You'll learn about key terms, the NLP presuppositions, the NLP senses, eye cues, enriched language, clean questions, and hypnotic language.
  • Basic Business Management: Boot Camp for Business Owners

    This course will give you all the skills that you need as a new business owner. You'll learn how to develop your organizational chart, manage operations, speak knowledgeably about finance, hire the right people, build your brand, market your product online and offline, complete a strategic plan and a succession plan, and build your customer base. You'll also learn the basics of leadership and tips for taking your business to the next level.
  • Understanding and Coping with the COVID-19 Pandemic

    The COVID-19 pandemic is affecting people around the world, resulting in health care systems being overwhelmed, people being confined to their homes, restrictions on travel, and the closure of businesses and industries. Because of this, many people are struggling with uncertainty and fear. Learning Objectives: Understand what COVID-19 is and how it spreads Know how to protect yourself during this pandemic Understand what self-isolation and self-quarantine mean and how to comply Know what to do if you become sick Learn about psychological reactions to the situation Learn ways to manage stress and anxiety caused by the situation Learn proper techniques for washing hands, using hand sanitizer, using masks, and cleaning and disinfecting Recognize reliable sources of information about the pandemic   *90 day access period
  • Microsoft Excel 365: Part 2: Visualizing Data with Charts

    In this course you will learn how to create charts and modify and format existing charts.
  • Creating a Top-Notch Talent Management Program

    In this course, you will learn about the various aspects of talent management, including performance management, succession planning, talent management programs, employee development strategies, and employee engagement plans. Learning Objectives: Apply the multifaceted aspects of talent management in your own organization. Describe the skills required to manage high potential candidates. Recognize and foster talent within an organization. Explain the principles of competency-based management.   *90 day access period Use the language for talent management.
  • Encouraging Sustainability and Social Responsibility in Business

    This course will introduce you to the basics of sustainability and corporate social responsibility using ISO 26000 guidelines as a framework. These principles include organizational governance and ethics, operating practices, human rights and labor practices, environmental awareness and sustainability, consumer issues, and community involvement.
  • Building an Online Business

    This course will lead you from your idea to your online business. It will take a look at important components such as business plans and marketing while touching upon payments, online marketplaces, and much more. With those topics covered you will have the skills to become an online entrepreneur.
  • Critical Thinking

    In this course, you'll learn what critical thinking is all about, what characteristics a critical thinker has, and what skills you may want to work on. Then, you'll work your way through a seven-step critical thinking model. Supporting skills, such as asking good questions, applying common sense, and thinking creatively, are also covered.
  • GDPR Readiness: Creating a Data Privacy Plan

    After completion of this course, you should be able to explain what a data privacy plan will include, know the important terminology and legislation regarding data privacy, map the flow of data in an organization visually, understand and write an information request procedure, develop an internal data handling procedure, understand and write a data security policy, understand and write a personal data protection policy, adapt your current client privacy policy, develop a data breach procedure, decide on training solutions for data privacy, know the other necessary pieces of the data privacy plan and help your organization write, implement, and review a data privacy plan.
  • Onboarding: The Essential Rules for a Successful Onboarding Program

    This course will explore the benefits of onboarding, show you how to design an onboarding framework, give you ways to customize the program for different audiences (including managers and executives), and demonstrate how to measure results from the program. Learning Objectives: Define onboarding and describe how it is different from orientation. Identify the business benefits of onboarding. List the factors that contribute to a successful onboarding program. Build a team to create an onboarding program. Prepare a vision statement and goals for an onboarding program. Design a framework for an onboarding program that includes program setup, various types of training, games, progress tracking, and follow-up. Customize your onboarding framework. Identify which metrics you should track to evaluate program results. Create a branded, unique program that will strengthen your company’s image and market position.   *90 day access period
  • Risk Management

    In this course, you will learn about the seven Rs and four Ts that traditionally represent the key activities of risk management. This will give you a framework that you can customize for a single project, a department, or an entire company.   *90 day access period
  • Conducting Accurate Internet Research

    This course is going to provide you with the skills you will need to get the most of an Internet search. You will learn where to look for information, how to find it, and the types of information that you can, and cannot, find online. It looks at the surface web and then takes you further in your searching skills to the deep web.
  • Microsoft Excel 365: Part 1: Getting Started

    In this course you will learn how to get started with Excel Online, describe the basic components of Excel, manage workbooks, and get help in Excel Online.
  • Intrapreneurship

    In this course, you'll learn what intrapreneurship is all about. You will learn about the history and culture of intrapreneurship and assess your own intrapreneurial qualities. You'll also explore different ways that you can contribute to the intrapreneurial process. As well, you'll learn how to develop, screen, sell, and implement your ideas. Learning Objectives: Understand the importance of intrapreneurship in today’s economy. Identify the characteristics of an intrapreneur and assess your own strengths. Create an intrapreneurial team within your organization. Understand the process of intrapreneurship. Develop a new product or process idea. Understand the importance of a sales strategy. Create a start-up financial statement.