Public Speaking: Speaking Under Pressure
Public Speaking: Speaking Under Pressure

Public Speaking: Speaking Under Pressure


This course will take you through preparing an effective presentation. Topics include planning your speech, identifying your audience, connecting with the listener, developing key themes and sentences, structuring your ideas, and managing nervousness and body language. You’ll focus on short responses and learn ways to expand a basic presentation.

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If you are a new speaker who feels nervous about the task at hand, or an experienced speaker who wants to learn more about being put on the spot, then this course is just for you. It focuses on speaking under pressure, which means being able to quickly organize your thoughts and being able to convey them meaningfully to your audience.

Learning Objectives:

  • Apply quick and easy preparation methods that will work whether you have one minute or one week to prepare.
  • Prepare for questions, even before you know what those questions will be.
  • Overcome nervousness that you may have when speaking in front of a group, particularly if the group is not sympathetic to what you have to say.
  • Use presentation techniques that establish your credibility and get people on your side.