NLP Tools for Real Life
NLP Tools for Real Life

NLP Tools for Real Life


This course will teach you about anchoring, establishing congruency, developing rapport, creating outcomes, interpreting and presenting information efficiently, and self-hypnosis.

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Neuro linguistic programming (NLP for short) is all about bringing your unconscious thoughts to the surface so that you can have real choice over how you interact with and respond to the world. Once you have completed Introduction to Neuro Linguistic Programming, take this course and learn how you can do more with NLP.

Learning Objectives:

  • Develop a deeper rapport with others
  • Use anchoring to create a desired state of mind
  • Become congruent with your inner self
  • Understand and apply basic self-hypnosis techniques
  • Create goals with momentum using NLP’s outcome framework
  • Present, interpret, and analyze information using the 7±2 rule and the chunking