Global Business Strategies
Global Business Strategies

Global Business Strategies


This course provides an overview of the various factors that a business must consider before going global. Students will also begin considering how they can expand their business to the global marketplace using a variety of planning techniques.

We strongly recommend that participants complete our Entrepreneurship 101 and Basic Business Management programs before taking this course.

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Consider the different aspects of how business is conducted around the world. Various currencies, cultural customs, trade laws, border rules, import/export regulations, and more all come into play in each country (and sometimes within the states or provinces within it).

To complicate matters further, these elements are constantly evolving. Add in the rapid pace of change of technology, legal questions surrounding the Internet and e-commerce, and growing security concerns, and you’ve got an extremely complex global marketplace.

Learning Objectives:

  • Describe the complexities of doing business in a global context.
  • Discuss trends in global business.
  • Apply strategies and tools needed to help shift a regional business into a global enterprise.
  • Closely evaluate your current business operation and determine its readiness for moving into a global marketplace.
  • Create an international business plan and prepare it for implementation.