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Showing 181–203 of 203 results


  • Workplace Harassment: What It Is and What to Do About It

    After completing this course, you will be able to identify acceptable and unacceptable behavior in the workplace, apply the benefits of harassment training, define the various types of harassment, assist in the creation of a harassment policy, understand ways to prevent and protect yourself from harassment, know what to do if you are the target of harassment or are accused of harassment, understand the complaint process, and how to help your workplace adjust after a harassment incident.
  • Employee Recognition: Appreciating Your Workforce

    Here you are going to learn just what an employee recognition program is all about. You're going to consider who falls under the definition of an employee and then decide why you should provide recognition for them. You will also look at the types of recognition programs, how to lay the foundation for one, and then how to actually build, implement, and follow up on a program in your office. Learning Objectives: Define who employees are. State why employees should be recognized. Develop a program for employee recognition. Implement and measure an employee recognition program.   *90 day access period
  • Public Speaking: Presentation Survival School

    After you complete this course, you will be able to establish rapport with your audience, implement techniques to reduce nervousness and fear, understand your strengths as a presenter and how to appeal to different types of people, recognize how visual aids can create impact and attention, develop techniques to create a professional presence, learn some different ways to prepare and organize information, and prepare, practice, and deliver a short presentation.
  • Microsoft PowerPoint 365 Part 2: Unique ShortCuts

    In this course you will learn shortcuts for presenting, shortcuts to move between ribbons and panes and, shortcuts for editing slides and presentations.
  • Communications for Small Business Owners

    If you are new to the communications highway, this course will provide the foundation for future development. If your company has some communications expertise, this course will help you strengthen and polish your essential components.
  • Facilitation Skills

    In this course, you will learn what facilitation is, skills that a facilitator should have, and the different skill levels of a facilitator. Then, you will learn some basic facilitation techniques, including ground rules, differentiating between content and process, bringing divergent and convergent thinking together, degrees of support, managing difficult participants, building sustainable agreements, and more. Supporting skills, such as communication, feedback, and team building, are also covered.   *90 day access period  
  • Developing Your Training Program

    You will start this course by considering what training is, when it is necessary, and what other options are out there. Then, you will learn the ICE method for identifying needs, a seven-step model for instructional design, and tips for building an engaging program. Next, you will walk through the steps of program design, including setting learning objectives, identifying evaluation strategies, choosing learning methodologies, finding content, creating energizers, using assessment tools, developing supporting materials, and testing the program. You will also receive tips on creating a proposal for a training program and building rapport with company sponsors.   *90 day access period
  • Mastering The Interview

    In this course, you will learn how to prepare for and participate in a job interview. Well share the types of questions to expect, as well as the questions that you should think about asking. You will also learn how to prepare for second interviews, testing, and shadowing, as well as how to follow up after an interview.
  • Bullying in the Workplace

    Bullying is called the silent epidemic. Although half of workers have experienced or witnessed bullying, policies and laws dealing with it are far less prevalent. This course will give you the tools to deal with workplace bullying. In this course, you will learn what bullying is and what it can cost an organization. You will also learn how to protect yourself from bullying, what to do if you are bullied, and what to do if you witness bullying.   *90 day access period
  • Orientation Handbook: Getting Employees Off to a Good Start

    In this course, you will learn why orientation is so important. You will learn about the four components of employee commitment as well as the commitment curve. You will also learn how to develop successful orientation and training programs. Learning Objectives: Understand how important an orientation program is to an organization Identify the role of the human resource department in the orientation program Recognize how the commitment curve affects both new employees and their managers Know what companies can do to deliver their promise to new employees Determine the critical elements of effective employee training Establish the importance of having an employee handbook for new and longterm employees *90 day access period
  • Microsoft Excel 365: Part 1: Formatting a Worksheet

    In this course you will learn how to format text and cells, align cell contents, use Find & Select tools, and apply conditional formatting.
  • English as a Second Language: A Workplace Communications Primer

    This is an opportunity to review and enhance your proficiency in listening, speaking, reading and writing. You will find that being aware of cultural and workplace influences will help keep them from creating barriers to communication. Practical information on selecting the right words, and combining them effectively to get your message across, will improve your verbal and written communication. Specific advice on email, videoconferencing, proposals, and selling your ideas will further improve your communication skills.
  • Mobbing in the Workplace

    After this course, you will be able to identify mobbing and how it differs from individual bullying, know why and how it occurs, know how it impacts the person targeted and the organization, know what actions to take if you are being mobbed, know how to avoid targeting someone, and know what action to take as an organization to stop mobbing before it starts
  • Hiring for Success: Behavioral Interviewing Techniques

    This course will take you through the hiring process from start to finish, including cost analysis, position profiles, finding candidates, screening resumes, testing candidates, interviewing (including different types of questions), evaluating responses, and reference checks. You will also learn about some of the problems commonly encountered in the hiring process and how to overcome them. Learning Objectives: Recognize the costs incurred by an organization when a wrong hiring decision is made. Develop a fair and consistent interviewing process for selecting employees. Prepare better job advertisements and use a variety of markets. Be able to develop a job analysis and position profile. Use traditional, behavioral, achievement oriented, holistic, and situational (critical incident) interview questions. Enhance communication skills that are essential for a skilled recruiter. Effectively interview difficult applicants. Check references more effectively. Understand the basic employment and human rights laws that can affect the hiring process. *90 day access period
  • Basic Internet Marketing

    In this course, you will learn how to market online, where your target market is, and what results you are getting. You will also learn about search engine optimization, e-mail campaigns, pay per click advertising, and more.   *90 day access period
  • E-Commerce Management

    This course will give you the skills to develop, design, test and successfully run your e-commerce business. It looks at important components such as business plans and marketing while touching upon payment methods, software solutions, security and fraud awareness, and much more. With those topics covered you will have the skills to take your e-commerce business to the next level.
  • Body Language: Reading Body Language as a Sales Tool

    In this course, you will learn how to interpret personal space, gestures, facial expressions, body movements, and posture. You'll also learn how to send the right message with body language, dress, and personal interactions.
  • An Environmental Audit Primer

    This course will give you the tools to conduct an internal environmental audit at your workplace. You will learn of the different types of audits and about auditors and the basic steps of an audit. This course will also teach you the essential aspects of an audit checklist and how to develop a checklist based on Environmental Management System procedures. You will also explore noncompliances, corrective actions and an audit closing meeting.