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Showing 73–108 of 214 results


  • Employee Recognition: Appreciating Your Workforce

    Here you are going to learn just what an employee recognition program is all about. You're going to consider who falls under the definition of an employee and then decide why you should provide recognition for them. You will also look at the types of recognition programs, how to lay the foundation for one, and then how to actually build, implement, and follow up on a program in your office. Learning Objectives: Define who employees are. State why employees should be recognized. Develop a program for employee recognition. Implement and measure an employee recognition program.   *90 day access period
  • Digital Citizenship: Conducting Yourself in a Digital World

    You will be presented with the concept that, just as in the real world we have certain rights, responsibilities, and standards of behavior as citizens, this is true in the digital world as well. This will be supported by looking at the similarities between the two worlds. Your understanding of what digital citizenship entails will be increased by examining its three principles, each of which is comprised of three elements. You will be counselled on how to practice good citizenship using each of the elements. The course finishes up with giving you exercises designed to reinforce the principles.
  • Delegation: The Art of Delegating Effectively

    This course will teach you how delegation can make you more successful, ways that you can delegate, techniques for giving instructions, how to monitor delegation results, and how to give good feedback. You will also learn an eight-step delegation process that you can customize for any situation.   *90 day access period
  • Workplace Ergonomics: Injury Prevention Through Ergonomics

    In this course, you will learn how to identify, assess, and resolve ergonomic issues. You will also learn about basic ergonomic principles for sitting, standing, lifting, transporting items, and using tools. Ergonomic environments and workstations will also be covered.   *90 day access period
  • Microsoft Excel 365: Part 1: Organizing Worksheet Data with Tables and Charts

    In this course you will learn how to create and modify tables and charts.
  • Microsoft Excel 365: Part 1: Using Pivot-Tables

    In this course you will learn how to insert PivotTables, work with PivotTable data, and sort and filter PivotTable data.
  • Selling Smarter

    In this course, you will learn why consultative and customer-focused selling are so important. You'll also learn about the sales cycle, setting goals, ways to increase your average sale, and where to find new clients.
  • Goal Setting

    In this course, you will create your personal vision, identify your values, and make a bucket list. From there, you'll create goals with SPIRIT, set up support systems, learn how to deal with setbacks, and identify ways to get started on your journey right now.
  • Telemarketing: Using the Telephone as a Sales Tool

    In this course, you will learn how to communicate effectively over the telephone, develop your personal telemarketing script, and close a sale. You'll also learn how telemarketing can add to your sales strategy.
  • Conflict Resolution: Getting Along In The Workplace

    In this course, you will learn what conflict is all about. You will also learn about different types of conflict, stages of conflict, helping others through conflict, and creating win/win solutions. As a bonus, you will also learn supporting skills, such as communication, active listening, and body language. Learning Objectives: Understand what conflict is and how it can escalate. Understand the types of conflict and the stages of conflict. Recognize the five most common conflict resolution styles and when to use them. Increase positive information flow through non-verbal and verbal communication skills. Develop effective techniques for intervention strategies. Become more confident of your ability to manage conflicts to enhance productivity and performance.   *90 day access period
  • Personal Brand: Maximizing Personal Impact

    In this course, you'll learn what a brand is and how you can leverage it to make a personal impact. You'll define, design, and plan the interior elements of your brand (such as your confidence level and approach to others) as well as the exterior elements (such as how you dress and act). You'll also learn supporting skills, such as setting goals, communicating effectively, building your credibility, managing difficult conversations, influencing others, and speaking in public.
  • Creating a Workplace Wellness Program

    With increasing costs of health care, a shrinking workforce, and aging workers, a savvy workplace understands the value in supporting workers to improve their conditioning and to live a fitter lifestyle. This course will give you a framework to build a program from scratch and ways to enhance existing programs. To begin this course, you will consider the benefits of workplace wellness programs. Then, you will learn how to create a wellness committee, outline a wellness program, gather support for it, perform appropriate research (including a needs analysis), design an appropriate package, and get buy-in for it. You will also learn how to implement the wellness program, evaluate how it is doing, and present the results in a tangible manner.   *90 day access period
  • Skills for the Administrative Assistant

    In this course, you'll learn about the elements of a professional attitude, including dressing appropriately, developing a positive outlook, being assertive, and communicating well. You'll also learn some fundamental skills for administrative assistants, such as writing letters, managing your time, saying no, working with others, and dealing with stress. All of these tools will help you achieve your goals and help the people that you support achieve their goals, too.
  • Developing Your Training Program

    You will start this course by considering what training is, when it is necessary, and what other options are out there. Then, you will learn the ICE method for identifying needs, a seven-step model for instructional design, and tips for building an engaging program. Next, you will walk through the steps of program design, including setting learning objectives, identifying evaluation strategies, choosing learning methodologies, finding content, creating energizers, using assessment tools, developing supporting materials, and testing the program. You will also receive tips on creating a proposal for a training program and building rapport with company sponsors.   *90 day access period
  • E-Commerce Management

    This course will give you the skills to develop, design, test and successfully run your e-commerce business. It looks at important components such as business plans and marketing while touching upon payment methods, software solutions, security and fraud awareness, and much more. With those topics covered you will have the skills to take your e-commerce business to the next level.
  • Problem Solving and Decision Making

    In this course, you will learn a three-phase problem solving process that you can apply to any situation. You will also learn techniques for creative thinking, how to make good group decisions, and ways to follow up on and evaluate decisions. Learning Objectives: Apply problem solving steps and tools Analyze information to clearly describe problems Identify appropriate solutions Think creatively and be a contributing member of a problem solving team Select the best approach for making decisions Create a plan for implementing, evaluating, and following up on decisions Avoid common decision-making mistakes *90 day access period
  • Research Skills

    In this course, you will learn basic research skills, such as reading, memory recall, and note-taking. You will also learn how to create different kinds of outlines for different stages of your project, and how to move from the outline to writing, editing, and polishing. As well, you'll learn how to find information using the library's Dewey Decimal System, journals, and the Internet.
  • Negotiating for Results

    In this course, you will learn about the different types of negotiation, characteristics of a successful negotiator, and building win-win solutions. You will also learn about the four phases of negotiation: preparation, exchanging information, bargaining, and closing.   *90 day access period
  • Project Management Training: Understanding Project Management

    This in-depth course will take you through all aspects of project management. First, you will consider what a project is and what a project manager does. Then, you will work through the four stages of the project life cycle: conceptual, planning, execution, and termination. You will also learn some supporting skills, like teamwork, communication, and presentation.   *90 day access period
  • Knowledge Management

    In this course, you will learn what knowledge is, what knowledge management is, how tacit and explicit knowledge are different, and the business benefits that knowledge management can bring. Then, you will learn about the knowledge management mix (which includes people, technology, and process) as well as a four step process for building your knowledge management framework. You will also learn about four knowledge management models: Bukowitz and Williams KM Process Framework, Gamble and Blackwells knowledge management matrix, Bothas process model, and Nonaka and Takeuchis spiral model. Implementation aspects, such as knowledge management teams, post-mortem plans, KMBOKs, Chief Knowledge Officers, and pilot programs, are covered as well.
  • Continuous Improvement with Lean

    In this course, you will learn about developing continuous improvement strategies in the workplace using Lean methodology. The course focuses on the Identify Plan Execute Review cycle, and wraps up with an in-depth case study to help you practice what you have learned.
  • Communication Essentials

    This online Communication Essentials Course is designed to equip participants with practical tools to communicate with greater clarity and impact, in a variety of business and everyday contexts. From meetings to networking events, presentations to one-on-one interactions, with colleagues or clients, the course will help you conduct yourself with confidence in these situations. You will learn to overcome nerves and develop your presence, allowing your personality to shine through. Course Benefits Learn at your own pace Earn Certificate of Completion 60 Day Access Period
  • Project Management: All You Need to Know

    Upon completion of this course you will have developed valuable new skills that will allow you to competently manage a project. You will come away from this course knowing about project management basics and how to being project planning. You will learn about the project life cycle and project planning documents. You'll learn about communications and how to deal changes and project tracking and also how to conduct status meetings. The course wraps up with a look at closing your project.
  • Using Activities to Make Training Fun

    In this course, you will explore different types of games, including icebreakers, energizers, simulations, and case studies. You will also learn how to get buy-in, deal with reluctant participants, troubleshoot games, and create your own games. To top things off, we will give you four activities that you can customize and re-use in your own training sessions.   *90 day access period
  • Creating a Top-Notch Talent Management Program

    In this course, you will learn about the various aspects of talent management, including performance management, succession planning, talent management programs, employee development strategies, and employee engagement plans. Learning Objectives: Apply the multifaceted aspects of talent management in your own organization. Describe the skills required to manage high potential candidates. Recognize and foster talent within an organization. Explain the principles of competency-based management.   *90 day access period Use the language for talent management.
  • Microsoft Excel 365: Part 1: Finalizing Workbooks

    In this course you will learn how to use comments , manage worksheets, and change view options.
  • Body Language: Reading Body Language as a Sales Tool

    In this course, you will learn how to interpret personal space, gestures, facial expressions, body movements, and posture. You'll also learn how to send the right message with body language, dress, and personal interactions.
  • Microsoft Office 365: 2018 Feature Updates

    By the end of this course, users should be comfortable using the new features released in 2018 for the desktop version of Microsoft Office 365, including features of Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook, Access, and Visio.
  • Basic Business Management: Boot Camp for Business Owners

    This course will give you all the skills that you need as a new business owner. You'll learn how to develop your organizational chart, manage operations, speak knowledgeably about finance, hire the right people, build your brand, market your product online and offline, complete a strategic plan and a succession plan, and build your customer base. You'll also learn the basics of leadership and tips for taking your business to the next level.